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Have you heard about my challenge “Be Happier Challenge”? Well I have opened it twice and soon I am about to open it again, but when I heard this new podcast episode about how you can be happy I had to share. So I have been following Rene Amberg for a while now, she is a you-tuber, and when she launched her podcast “The Wisdom Theory” I knew I needed to subscribe because I love listening to podcasts while I work and her videos are pretty good and inspiring too.

She uploaded an episode about happiness called “4 Scientifically Proven Ways To Activate Happiness” and I knew I needed to look out for more info about it and share it because happiness is not only part of my brand but I also created a challenge called “Be Happier Challenge” and I knew that this info was not only going to be great for everybody but also to add more about it on my challenge. Here I will share her important points on how to be happy but in a scientific way, which have been proven and effective.

Our brain releases four chemicals, that are responsible for us feeling happy. Here we explain what these chemicals are, how to use them, their functions, deficiencies, cause of deficiencies, and more.


It is a neural transmitter that is known as the chemical of reward or motivation molecule, it is responsible for our motivation. It is released during pleasurable situations, it makes you jump with joy when you reach a goal or get something new like makeup, clothes, toys, etc. Dopamine leads you to food when you need it. Dopamine causes expectations, correct predictions bring good sensations, flows when you feel like you’ve done it and it seeks rewards, it is the joy of finding what you seek.

Its functions:

Felling of salience







Lack of interest in life or situations

Lack of motivation


Inability to feel pleasure

Feeling of burnout on life, goals, career.


Drug abuse

Diets high in sugar

Diet high in saturated fats

Diets low in protein

Increase Dopamine

Eat foods rich in tyrosine, it is an amino acid that you can find in almonds, bananas, avocados, beans, legumes, and soy.

Get a good source of probiotics, they are the good bacteria in your gut. Your gut is known as your second brain and it is extremely linked to your brain, and it impacts your mood and behavior, this means that if you eat a poor diet your mood will be poor as well as your actions. You can get them in yogurt, kombucha or probiotics pills, or supplements.

Getting quality sleep, keeps dopamine balance and it releases most in the mornings and falls as night comes. Get enough sleep, but also good quality, there’s no point in going to bed early and wake up twenty times during the night because of noise, phone notifications, unnecessarily calls, etc.

Listen to music, instrumental music boosts your levels of dopamine by 9%.

Take a new challenge, feelings of accomplishing something, like a challenge or a goal, completing a task boost dopamine.

Focus on lifestyle choices instead of quick fixes.

Too Much Dopamine Signs

Attention deficit disorder

Difficulty paying attention



Seek instant gratification, like gambling, drugs, alcohol, or food.

Increase in adrenaline, nervous breakdown, aggression, over competition, etc.


This is a hormone known as the love hormone. Oxytocin is the safety of social bands, it builds social alliances. Oxytocin helps you trust your mates, loves the bonds you create, and flows when you stick with the herd. When you don’t have social bonds, your brain feels alarmed. However, the herd will annoy you. When you run with a pack, oxytocin will flow, makes you feel to trust someone, and when someone trusts you. Oxytocin stimulates dopamine and serotonin and it is released during sex, child bird, breastfeeding, and lactation.


Warm fuzzy feelings

Lower anxiety

Lower stress

Reduction in drug cravings

Improvement in social skills and social bonding

Improve libido


Poor communication

Low empathy

Lack of socialization



Craving sugar

Sleep difficulty

Low libido

Lack of trust


Lack of human interactions

Disorders like depression, autism, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders

Too much stress

Too many cortisol levels, the more cortisol the lower levels of oxytocin.

Holding grudges

Increase Oxytocin

Physical contact like hugs, hand-holding, massage, cuddling, eye contact, shaking a hand. These interactions can be done with a human or even your pets.


Close relationships with others



Forgiveness, this one reduces cortisol.

Too Much Oxytoxin signs

Increase walls between people, fear and mistrust


Lower cooperation

Suspicion and jealousy

Too much trust


If you feel like you have a deficiency of this or too much you should consult your doctor, these are hormones and these are better to work with a professional.


It's a neurotransmitter also known as the happy chemical, it is used in a lot of anti-depressants. It is the security of social dominance, get respect for others. Serotonin swells your chest with pride when you get respect and needn’t hide. When you have serotonin you are modest and don’t like to boast, you feel good when you boost yourself higher, but if others do this, it provokes your ire. With serotonin, you can be clever, helpful, or funny, but when others one-up you, your mind agitates, because serotonin droops until you lift your own weights.


Stabilized mood

Feelings of pleasure

Feelings of satisfaction

Good sleep

Feelings of happiness





Bench eating


Low self-esteem

Carb cravings


Unhealthy gut, 95% of serotonin is created in the intestines, not the brain, this means that diet plays the main key on this hormone.




Lack of sunshine

Diet high on sugar

High cortisol levels

Increase Serotonin


Vitamin D


Happy thoughts


Healthy carbs


Foods high in tryptophan like spinach and seeds.

Be around friends

Micros and soil, walk on grass or putting your feel indirect earth surface with no sucks or shoes.

Too Much Serotonin Signs




Rapid heart rate



Irregular heartbeat



Increase or balance Serotonin

Supplements such as bacopa, magnesium, vitamin D, and omega 3.


It is a chemical produced by the central nervous system and helps us to deal with physical pain. Endorphin compromises twenty feel-good brain chemicals and it is a feel-good chemical, happiness, etc. Endorphin is the oblivion that masks pain or ignores physical pain. It helps you to mask the pain or injuries that you sustain. Endorphin makes you feel like you’re safe. It triggers you to laugh or cry for an instant, it makes you feel great when it eases your pains and only real pain makes it flow in your veins.


Feel lightheaded




Decrease of stress






Lack of exercise

Increase of Endorphin



Go out and do something

Fall in love


Vitamin D

Dark chocolate

Spicy foods

Moderate alcohol

Dancing, studies had shown that country music releases endorphins while heavy metal leads to anxiety.

Do things that you like

Eat things that you like

Too Much Endorphin

You are on the edge

You are on a fight or flight response constantly

Happiness comes from diets, exercise, connection to others, connection to ourselves, being in tune with our bodies and ourselves, connection to our mind, connection to our thoughts, the way we think.

Happiness is essentially up to you, you choose either if you want to eat healthily, exercise, take things seriously, let things go, laugh or cry, I mean you are in complete control of it. It is an attitude and nothing to do with materials, it comes from within your body, from the inside.

There are many other things you can do to be happy, again, happiness comes from within, and taking actions also comes in handy here, you need to have the desire to live your best life, to go out and do what makes you happy.

Not sure what else to do? Here are some tips:

1. Work with your hands, this can be gardening, building something, cooking dinner, etc.

2. Practice “Taking in the good”, avoid focusing on negativity and receive the good that exists in your life.

3. Help others, be of service, help someone you know or a stranger. Lend a hand to someone close to you, even when you’re busy. Seeing a need, even a small one, and meeting it, will make you happier.

4. Stop caring about what others think, their opinions do not concern you, do not shape you or build your happiness.

5. Let Go of perfection, that does not exist.

6 Practice mindfulness, and the inner calm that goes with it.

7.Embrace life’s small pleasures, they count as much as the big ones.

8. Journal, keep track of your feelings, habits and write things you are grateful for.

9. Drink water, stay hydrated.

10. Limit your time on your electronic devices, especially social media, they are time-consuming and give false perspectives of other people's lives.

11. Baby steps matter, reading 5 pages of a book is better than nothing, working out 10 minutes is better than nothing, just get started.

12. Spend more time outside, get some fresh air, some sunlight, and walk barefoot.

13. Stop complaining, the more you focus on the bad, the worst you will feel about it.

14.Make time for the things that make you happy.

15.Tell people when they do something that you appreciate. Verbalizing your gratefulness not only improves your happiness but theirs as well.

16.Find a community of other people, invest yourself in it.

17. Don’t fear failure, failures are amazing lessons that make us grow and teach us how to be a better person.

18. Pay attention, stop, look, and listen to the everyday moments of your life.

19. Find a mantra, write it down, and repeat aloud, repeating a mantra is a way of meditation, and this positive meditation will make you happier and more resilient.

20. Get creative, don’t be afraid to try some art, music, singing, etc.

Want to learn how to create a healthy relationship with mind, body, and food?

This is a free masterclass where I will share with you what your nutritionist and fitness coach will not teach you with my signature framework the “Stephanie’s Wellness Framework”. Here I will teach you how to create a healthy relationship with mind, body & food mindfully by creating a mindful healthy living lifestyle that will be here for the long term.

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