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Usually, we know when our stomach is hungry, but what a lot of ladies don't know and understand is when our stomachs are satisfied. Our bodies are designed to eat slowly. It takes 20 minutes for our biological feedback loop to be completed and tell us that we are satisfied and can stop eating.

Our "Appestat", a hunger thermostat that registered how much food we have eaten, turns off our desire to eat more and lets us know when we had enough. The appestat responds to four sources of information that tell when we have had enough food.

First, is the signal of the physical sensation of fullness. This is a signal that goes from our stomach to our hypothalamus in the brain and tells us we are satisfied and we can stop eating.

The second is a signal that comes from nutrients that are absorbed into the bloodstream, including glucose, fat, and amino acids from broken protein.

Third, is a signal that comes from hormones that are released from the small intestine and pancreas as food is being absorbed.

Last, the fourth signal is the fat cells themselves. They release leptin and other chemicals that help turn off your hunger.

When chewing more and our food is broken down into smaller particles, the absorption of the nutrients can begin earlier in the mouth and stomach. Then the food exits the stomach and enters the small intestine, appestat hormones signal your brain and body and tell it that it had enough, that you are satisfied and you can stop eating. However, this process takes 20 minutes! This is why chewing and eating slowly is very important.

If we eat and barely chew our foods, we keep eating food without knowing that we had enough and that's when you finally know that you are full, you have already over ate and consumed too many calories and even stomach ache happens.

You don't need any special diets or force yourself to do anything, by just slowing down and attending to your internal sensations of hunger and noticing when you feel satisfied, you can stop eating peacefully and feel amazing about yourself.


Here are some methods that can help you slow down when you eat:

  1. Pause before beginning the meal. Look at each item of food, taking it with your eyes. Notice the colors, shapes, textures, and arrangement on your plate of food.

  2. Take a moment to be grateful. Think about the plants and people (animals if you eat any) who helped to bring this food to you. Be aware of their gifts as you eat.

  3. Begin the meal by pausing to smell the food. Imagine that your body is being nourished by just the smell.

  4. Sniff the food, and enjoy the meal. Take small taste bites, roll them around your mouth, and savor every piece of your food. Try to figure out what ingredients are in that meal. Also, take the time to chew and swallow the food. You can also sip some water, clean your mouth, and repeat the process.

  5. If at any time you notice that you have stopped tasting your food, then stop and pause, then look at the food again.

Other Tips For Eating Slow

  1. Chew, chew, chew! Chew your food 15-30 times before swallowing it.

  2. Drink slowly. You should not just enjoy your food, but also enjoy your drinks and feel the freshness that it brings when you drink. Feel the texture and enjoy the flavor.

  3. Put down your fork or spoon. After putting a bite of food in your mouth, put the fork down, and don't pick it up until you chew and swallow the food.

  4. Eat with your non-dominant hand. It will not just be funny but it will take time to grab, take and put the food in your mouth.

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